The Martyrs' Walk Fund is a 501c3 tax exempt organization dedicated to supporting Christian men in living out their vocations through leadership and service, grounded in the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.
Men who feel called to take The Martyrs' Walk but are in need of financial assistance to attend the program can benefit from Scholarship Donations. Our goal is every man, and every penny we receive goes towards the betterment of each candidate looking to 'Die to Sin, Die to Self, and Live for God." Your contributions help to form men equipped to defend and advance their faith, serve those in need, and embody authentic Christian masculinity through our bootcamp program. Together, we’re building strong masculine communities that witness to Christ’s truth and love in a world that desperately needs it.
In October of 2024, thanks to your generous support and donations, The Martyrs' Walk Fund was able to mobilize over 50,000 pounds of resources and raise over $200,000 in donations in response to Hurricane Helene in Western North Carolina. As we approach our next goal of $250,000, we enter into the next phase of rebuilding and rehousing efforts and will continue assisting Western North Carolina as long as we are able.
Donations are 100% tax deductible through The Martyrs Walk Fund.
Find out more on how you can help by clicking the links below.
Your contributions help us carry out our mission of rebuilding Catholic men as we rebuild the communities around us.
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